Iain Bruce Studio
Iain Bruce Wood Carver / Sculpture Artist
Details of feet, arm and ear

This art is currently in progress can be claimed with a deposit.

The Miner

Price: $TBD
Dimensions: 6' tall
Material: Red Cedar (Driftwood)

- Add dead bird on nose?
- Helmet detail?

- Added left arm
- Roughed in feet
- Found a flickering flame bulb for lantern.
- Shaped in his right ear.

- This piece is a half log (hollowed out driftwood)

Thoughts During Creation:
As you can see from the sketch, this carving was to be a simple Norwegian style "tiki totem". But once again creative forces took over, leaving me just as surprised as you after I regain control. It's an amazing feeling.

Contact Us to Reserve this Piece

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If one of our works of art speaks to you,
or if you are inspired to commission a custom piece.

Art currently in progress can be claimed with a deposit!
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Iain Bruce
PO box 1586
7755 Sunset Drive
Lake Cowichan, BC, Canada

Phone: 250 932 1032
email: ibruce@teksavvy.com